Monday, July 1, 2013

Home again

Back on Badger Ave!

Got home from Florida last night and enjoyed the first night in my own house since May.  Woke up pretty early- still jet lagged-and did the things you do like go through the mail, laundry, etc.  Nancy with the help of my house sitters put in two small raised garden beds and I went out to look at them- I have rabbit problems!  But it is making great use of the part of my backyard that was too sandy to even grow grass.  I washed every single thing in my suitcase that I could, and watched Wimbledon.  Love tennis, and got to see some good playing today.  Took a long nap.  Am now feeling a bit human.

Florida was fine- Jacksonville (actually Atlantic Beach) is right on the ocean, so there were some stolen moments outside, and I enjoyed two hours on the beach the morning I left.  The NATS board meeting was fine, and I found some people I really enjoy working with that have agreed to be serve on the education commission I am heading.

While in FL, lots of the faculty were very interested in the CETS trip and how we put it together.  They were very cognizant that it is a rare university that will support a program like this- 3 faculty are dedicated to the project at one time. That is pretty remarkable.

I listed some of the highlights of the trip below- some other memorable things that happened:

I got bit by a small crab while walking on the beach in FL.  He did not want to let go of my foot!
My suitcase was too heavy.  Gotta remember to pack even lighter next year (no ipad either).
Thank heavens for the Samsonite spinner suitcase.
Thank you to Derek and Tyler who carried mom's suitcase up 1000 steps in train stations.
I love Kartoffel. (potatoes)
The food overall was really enjoyable- I can pass on the "Swedish breakfasts" of meat, cheese, and bread, but the other meals were yummy. They know how to cook in central Europe!  And I can tell where our midwest cooking traditions come from!
Krakow is beautitful.  The city center is amazing.  We had more of a language barrier there, but it didn't matter.
The way classical music is interwoven in the history and culture of Central Europe is amazing.
State supported arts organizations.  Go Europe!
Traveling with your mom definitely has its advantages.
I missed my computer, but as I picked it up today I was REALLY glad I wasn't carrying it.
Being able to text while in Europe really made everything easier.  I could be in touch with home and with the other group leader.
I thought Wien would be my favorite city, but it wasn't.  Not sure if that had something to do with the hideous weather, but there was a certain artificiality that kept you a little bit at arms' length.
Movies on airplanes!  Fun!
Almost every flight I had (Eau Claire-Chicago-Washington DC-Berlin, Krakow-Munich-Washington DC-Jacksonville-Chicago-Eau Claire) was late.  Travel is such a hassle now.  But my suitcase was never lost, and I made every flight.  So I'm not complaining.  Much.

There is so much more, but my suitcase is looking at me and asking to be unpacked and put away.

Upcoming: a trip to Lake Okoboji for the 4th, some weddings, I have a recital on July 21, etc.  August will be exciting but I'll tell you about it later.


1 comment:

  1. Mitra- It seems like you are still fabulous and doing good! I miss you!
