Monday, July 23, 2012

Oh geez

Oh geez it is hot here on the ranch in Cary Bluff.  95 degrees today and no air conditioning.  Believe me, I'm giving Nancy a hard time about that!  She ordered an air conditioner and it was supposed to be here today- we are both pissed off at the FedEx man right now!  We went out to pick blackberries, but it has been so dry that they are tiny, and many of the plants are completely scorched.  We still found some, though, and true to form I put one blackberry in my mouth for every one I put in the little bucket (which Ike the dog carried for me!)  It was so HOT!  I've got two fans blowing on me as I work on some recital stuff, make travel arrangements to NYC, and catch up on email.  I also have to write the year end report for the NY trip, which I forgot to do before I left for the summer.  Gotta get that off my chest, and you know how I feel about writing.  Blogging I don't mind, but

GLORY BE!  The air conditioner just arrived.  That FedEx man narrowly escaped a sound berating!

Anyway, blogging comes easier to me than writing papers or reports, so Nancy said I should blog the report!  We'll see. Maybe that mind game will work.

Nancy is making a Persian dish tonight and I am helping her with some rearranging of furniture, pictures, etc.  I'm also going to help her sell her couch and chair on Craigs list.  We're going to visit the dynamite Janet tonight and I'm going to take her some of the clip on earrings I got at the auction that I don't want and will never use.

Janet-93, gorgeous gams, tall, glamorous, and wearing her new clip on earrings!

That's it for now, dear friends.  What do you have yet that you want to accomplish this summer?  Spend time with friends?  learn something new?  Challenge yourself physically?  Read a book you've always wanted to read?  Learn more about the flowers in your yard?  Now's the time, friend!

Added later:  The Persian food was delicious, and we took a Gator ride down to look at both Nancy's garden and her neighbor's show garden.  While Nancy was inside with her mom, I stole the gator and took off down the road!  I did come back, though, but Nancy said she was proud of me for my Grand Theft Auto.

Grand Theft Auto!


  1. Great pics from the camino and so nice to have you visit Mitra! BTW, that air conditioner was supposed to arrive last FRIDAY according to tracking. A pox on Mr. Fedex!!!!!!

  2. Yeah, that guy is in trouble!

    How's the temp today? My central air is having difficulty keeping up with outside.

  3. 78! Ice cold by Monday's standards! :)
